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Minecraft gratis pc

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  • MC-226926 – Emerald ore generates too often.
  • MC-226512 – Goats do not use the damage of held items when ramming entities.
  • MC-226505 – Goat's long jump is not affected by the jump boost effect.
  • MC-226461 – Logs can be replaced with stone near lava pools.
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    MC-225816 – Hanging Roots appear large when an item entity.MC-223368 – Strength and weakness potions / custom attack damage attributes does not change damage from goats.MC-222731 – Captured axolotl constantly tries to leave water.MC-221656 – Creative mode obtained bucket of axolotl/tropical fish only spawns one kind axolotl/tropical fish.MC-219290 – Calcite is too quiet compared to other blocks.MC-219018 – Ghost items can be created using /item (server doesn't update client inventory correctly).

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    MC-213986 – Pistons and dispensers can be used to create ghost blocks using powder snow.MC-224894 – Light tickets are released too early.MC-223350 – Loaded chunks sometimes don't render until the player moves their head slightly.MC-196999 – U+1FEC is wrong in Minecraft's font.MC-194736 – Duplicate text mapping for U+00B7.MC-156155 – Turkish lira sign (₺) appears as □ in the game.MC-131290 – Enchantments are saved as shorts, but are loaded as and function with integer values.MC-123654 – Sun, moon, and/or clouds are not showing if render distance is below 4.Removed the following languages due to incomplete translations:.Includes several currency symbols and some new emoji.Now, data padded in these field will use the address and port which SRV record pointed at, instead of using "server address" as "hostname" and 25565 as "port".Handshake packet padding method for "hostname" and "port" field has reverted to pre-1.17 when the server address which used is a SRV record.This prevents zombies from persisting after picking up the loot of a dead glow squid.Zombies, Zombie Villagers, Husks and Drowned Status effects applied to goats now also apply when the goat is jumping or ramming.Breeding common goats now have a 2% chance to produce screaming goats.This change is to match Bedrock Edition's drop rates.Increased the drop probability of a copper ingot from 5% to 11%, and increased the drop rate with each level of Looting from 1% to 2%.Blue axolotls now only spawn through breeding.Tweaked held model texture to include glass on the backside.Powder snow now fills cauldrons twice as fast as before.died from dehydration whilst trying to escape.Two previously untranslated death messages for some underwater mobs have been given messages:.1.17.1 is a minor update to Java Edition which changes some game mechanics and fixes bugs.

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